Hello friends! My name is Kendall and the nickname “Kendeezy Louisey” was given to me several years ago by a good friend when we were working together as baristas at a local coffee shop. He is still a part of my now-larger circle of friends, and those friends are lifetime friends, not the kinds you meet and spend some time with on and off for a few years before slowly flowing away from each other. I’m proud and honored to have such wonderful friends who understand me, accept me, and want to support me.

Up until now, I’ve had a hard time sharing the internal workings of my mind with… pretty much anyone. This website, as much as it is a way to reach out to strangers, is a way for me to form a deeper connection with my friends. I want both new friends and lifetime friends to see what I have to say and feel closer to me. I’ve wanted to start a website for a long time because writing has always been a passion of mine. I’ve wanted a single place to collect my writings that can also be easily shared and accessed. I hope that I can find what I’m looking for in Writings & Ramblings.

The first story I ever wrote was about a new family dog who escaped from home and needed to find his way back. Fido (original, I know) saw something outside that he really, really wanted, and he ran out through the doggy door and didn’t stop running until it was too late: he was lost. He navigated city streets, sniffed for familiar scents, and eventually found his way back home. All together, if I remember correctly, the story was less than two pages long in my hot pink and glittery Lisa Frank notebook.

I remember this story so vividly not because it was any good, or I felt any true emotional attachment to it, but because of how my mom responded after reading it. She told me I was clever and that she was impressed, and she pointed out the part where Fido discovers the doggy door that, upon his first attempt at escaping, flies back to smack him in the nose. In hindsight, for a seven-ish year old, it’s a surprisingly creative detail to add, and I appreciate my mom bringing it up and supporting my storytelling.

The point is, I wish I still had as much courage to share my stories as I did when I was seven. I think I need that external support and motivation, but something always stops me. A little voice pipes up that tells me they won’t like it, that I don’t have anything important to say, that my writing is boring and chaste and unnecessary. This website is my attempt to tell that voice to go fuck itself. My writings and ramblings deserve to be told just as much as anyone else’s.

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: kendeezylouisey

Pinterest: kendallkelly11

Etsy Shop: kendeezylouisey